Board of Directors
The Chávez/Huerta K-12 Preparatory Academy Board of Directors governs and guides the school in accordance with the school bylaws that are a part of the charter contract with the Pueblo City Schools. The Board sets policies in order to support and maintain the school’s mission, goals, and educational philosophy.
The Board of Directors is comprised of seven elected (voting) members who are parents of CHPA students, community members, three non-voting faculty representatives from CCA, ECMS, and DHPH, one non-voting K-12 student representative from the senior class, and two representatives from higher education (CSU-Pueblo & PCC). The President Chief Executive Officer serves as the day-to-day, on-site leadership for our faculty, staff, students, and parents.
Voting members are appointed to three year terms or fill vacancies upon a majority vote of the regular voting members of the Board of Directors. After serving three years, board members may opt to serve an additional three years. After serving six years total, board members must step down, but may apply to return to the board after one year of absence. The Board works with and for all of the members of the Chávez/Huerta K-12 Preparatory Academy community. Board meetings are held once per month and are open to the public.
Next Meeting:
February 2025
Board Policies & Administrative Procedures
D60 Charter School Contract – PDF
Attachment 1- automatic Statutory Waivers
Attachment 2 – Waivers Requested from State Law
Attachment 4 – Enrollment Policy
Attachment 5 – Service Agreement for ESS
Attachment 6 – Nutrition Services Agreement
Attachment 7 – Lease Agreement
The Board welcomes public comment from community members, CHPA faculty and staff, and students who wish to address the Board. The public forum takes place during the Board’s Open Session. If an individual has any concerns or issues, the individual is encouraged to first address those concerns or issues with individuals directly involved or with the Executive Director before coming to the Board meeting.
Those who wish to address the Board must sign up with the Executive Assistant the day of the Board meeting. (Email: Public Comment cards will be available and must be completed prior to the start of Open Session. Comments about CHPA faculty, staff and students are not permitted. Speakers shall address the Board with decorum and not defame any Board members, faculty or staff of CHPA. Members of the public may also submit written communications to the Board on items on the agenda and/or speak to agenda items. Speakers will be given three minutes to address the Board. Generally, the Board members will not comment or respond except to ask for clarification.
If you would like to address the Board, please attend the Board meeting and complete a Public Comment card which are available the day of the Board meeting. All Board meetings are conducted in the Cesar Chavez Academy Community Conference Room located at 2500 W. 18th Street.
Becoming a Member of the Board of Directors
As a member of the CHPA Board of Directors, you will help shape the course for CHPA. It is a satisfying position which requires time commitment and dedication to CHPA.

Steven Trujillo

Angela Giron
Community Representative

Matthew Garcia
Parent Representative

Joseph Garcia
Vice President

Nick Angiocchi

Cecilia Trujillo
Ex Officio Members

Cheryl Gomez
Pueblo Community College Representative