Mission and Purpose
The mission and purpose of the CHPA Foundation is to seek financial support and other resources for the enrichment and improvement of the overall quality of life in the CHPA community through investments in curricular, extracurricular, and educational endeavors.
Chavez Huerta Preparatory Academy Foundation
In November 2023 the Board of Directors of Directors of Chavez/Huerta K-12 Preparatory Academy, an authorized public Charter School serving students within Pueblo County since 2000, authorized the existence of the creation of a Colorado State authorized public Colorado Nonprofit Corporation known as CHPA Foundation. The CHPA Foundation is currently authorized by the Colorado Nonprofit Association along with the Colorado Secretary of State and is in the process of preparing the submittal application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code in order to be tax exempt. Approval is pending.
Currently our main endeavor is to collaborate with Dolores Huerta Preparatory High School in the 5th annual Senior Scholarship Golf Tournament on Saturday, May 3rd, 2025 at Elmwood Golf Course (Pueblo, Colorado).
The CHPA Foundation would also like to inform the public that this year, we have granted ten students $1,000 in scholarships each from last year’s tournament to help them on their college journeys. We are able to accomplish this because of generous donations from the community and fundraisers like our annual golf tournament.
Contact CHPA Foundation
Email: chpafoundation@chpa-k12.org
2500 W.18th St, Pueblo, Co 8100